Storrs & Harrison Co. Spring (1900) chromolithograph. Original public domain image from Wikipedia. Digitally enhanced by… Image from public domain licensePhotograph of the Nose of the USS Akron being Attached, ca. 1933. Original public domain image from Flickr Image from public domain license View of the Zachary Taylor National Cemetery in Louisville, Kentucky's largest city, on the south… Image from public domain licensePhotograph of the USS Akron in the Goodyear-Zeppelin Dock , ca. 1933. Original public domain image from Flickr Image from public domain licenseU.S. Congress. Joint Committee to Investigate Dirigible Disasters, ca. 1933. Original public domain image from Flickr Image from public domain licenseBrown church in Akron, United States. Original public domain image from Wikimedia Commons Image from public domain licensePng downtown Columbus View in USA, transparent background licenseBartley Campbell's Siberia A Jewish Massacre, Smithsonian National Museum of African Art Image from public domain licenseTracks for Army halftrac cars must undergo a careful inspection and be approved before they can be released from the… Image from public domain licenseJackson's Wild Cherry and Tar Syrup: One Bottle will Cure the Worst Cold : One Dose Will Relieve a CoughCollection:Images… Image from public domain license A giant, REALLY giant, baseball bat outside the Louisville Slugger Museum and Factory in Louisville… Image from public domain license Large sign on the wall of a business in downtown Louisville, Kentucky, welcoming visitors to the… Image from public domain licenseProduction. Shell loading. These 2,000-pound bombs will carry death and destruction to the Axis from a huge shell-loading… Image from public domain licenseWilliam A. Swift, once a farmer, now a resident of Circleville's "Hooverville." When he returned from the war he went West.… Image from public domain licenseConversion. Beverage containers to aviation oxygen cylinders. After the circumferential straps are welded to the cylindrical… Image from public domain licenseA track for an Army halftrac car nears completion as curing plates nuts are removed with an air pressure wrench on the… Image from public domain license An oversized, ornamental Statue of David outside the 21c Musem & Hotel in Louisville, Kentucky's… Image from public domain licenseA soldier sleeping on the way from Cincinnati, Ohio to Louisville, Kentucky on a Greyhound bus. Sourced from the Library of… Image from public domain license "Wacinton," one of Hungarian-born artist Peter Toth's "Whispering Giants" hand-chisled carvings … Image from public domain license The old general store in the little Ohio River "country town" of Rabbit Hash, Kentucky, which has… Image from public domain licenseTeam of horses bought by Joe Coperning with FSA (Farm Security Administration) loan. Ross County, Ohio. Sourced from the… Image from public domain license The modernist and highly unusual Ascent Building, a curved apartment building that comes to a sharp… Image from public domain licenseA classic outdoor neon sign advertising one of the locations of the Howard Johnson's motel and restaurant chain -- one of… Image from public domain licenseGilded clock above a door inside the Cleveland Public Library's main building in Cleveland, Ohio. Construction of the… Image from public domain license The Iron Horse Memorial in Paducah, a Kentucky city at the confluence of the Ohio and Tennessee… Image from public domain licenseWatching the parade go by. Cincinnati, Ohio. Sourced from the Library of Congress. Image from public domain licenseDowntown Columbus View in USA, collage element psd licenseHalftrac scout cars. Putting precision-made pistons assemblies into precision-made cylinders is a job that fits this former… Image from public domain licenseThe Second Premium Design for the Capitol of Ohio, Columbus by Alexander Jackson Davis Image from public domain licenseFarm architecture livestock outdoors. licenseConversion. Copper and brass processing. Large rolls of sheet brass and copper ready for the slitting machine, where the… Image from public domain licenseRehabilitation client's wife, Jackson County, Ohio. Sourced from the Library of Congress. Image from public domain licenseSo that men may work together, this sentinel keeps vigil at a large defense plant against saboteurs. White Motor Company… Image from public domain licenseHalftrac scout cars. Perfectly balanced sets of connecting rods mean better engine performance for the Army's new halftrac… Image from public domain licenseThe serial numbers of each track for Army halftrac vehicles crated for shipment from a Midwest tire plant are given a final… Image from public domain licenseFort Hayes, Ohio, 1941-43(?)--Colored troops getting on a train. Sourced from the Library of Congress. Image from public domain license[Untitled photo, possibly related to: Columbus, Ohio. Sign on a parking lot where buses are kept]. Sourced from the Library… Image from public domain licenseConversion. Copper and brass processing. This sample of brass strip is being tested on a Rockwell Hardness Testing Machine.… Image from public domain licenseProduction. Shell loading. On the "firing line" of a large Midwest loading plant, artillery shells soon to batter the Axis… Image from public domain license[Untitled photo, possibly related to: Farm at Greenhills, Ohio]. Sourced from the Library of Congress. Image from public domain licenseConversion. Copper and brass processing. Strip copper and brass is usually passed through rolls many times before the… Image from public domain licenseConversion. Copper and brass processing. Brass or copper, as it comes from the rolls, is usually in strips too long for… Image from public domain licenseRailroad watchman, Findlay, Ohio. Sourced from the Library of Congress. Image from public domain licenseConversion. Beverage containers to aviation oxygen cylinders. Before completion of the fourth and final welding operation in… Image from public domain licenseSkyline of Columbus, Ohio. Original image from Carol M. Highsmith’s America, Library of Congress collection. Digitally… license Welcome sign with a southern touch in Maysville, Kentucky, an Ohio River port city that, although… Image from public domain licensePresident Joe Biden speaks on the phone with EPA Administrator Michael Regan and Ohio Governor Mike DeWine about the toxic… Image from public domain licenseDowntown Columbus View in USA licenseThe Ohio Statehouse in Columbus. Original image from Carol M. Highsmith’s America, Library of Congress collection. Digitally… licenseCincinnati, United States. Original public domain image from Wikimedia Commons Image from public domain license The "White Block" row of buildings in Maysville, Kentucky, featuring a finely carved stone door… Image from public domain licenseOn guard against sabotage, this patrolman at a large defense production plant gives soldierly care to a rifle that may stop… Image from public domain licensePhotograph Rising the First Main Frame of a Dirigible, ca. 1933. Original public domain image from Flickr Image from public domain license A fun fish at the Lazy Dayz playground in the Ohio River city of Owensboro, Kentucky's fourth… Image from public domain licenseNo chances are taken with the quality of wheel castings for the Army's new halftrac scout cars. This workman in an Ohio… Image from public domain licenseThe 2002 Weatherhead School of Management, a private business school of Case Western Reserve University in this Peter B.… Image from public domain license This is the humble boyhood home of renowned boxer Muhammad Ali (born Cassius Marcellus Clay Jr.) in… Image from public domain licenseA shot from above the Carew Tower and its surroundings at Race-Out.. Original public domain image from Wikimedia Commons Image from public domain licenseBed and sitting room, Hamilton County, Ohio. Sourced from the Library of Congress. Image from public domain license Building in Maysville, Kentucky, an Ohio River port city that, although home to fewer than 10,000… Image from public domain licenseConversion. Copper and brass processing. This is an inverted bull clock, a modern piece of equipment in a brass and copper… Image from public domain licenseA coat of paint makes anything look better. But the purpose of spraying the undercarriages of the Army's halftrac scout cars… Image from public domain license A mural depicting the view from a tobacco barn, one of 10 panels painted by artist Robert Dalford… Image from public domain licenseThe Army's new halftrac scout cars are protected by durable finishes. The man working on these bogy assemblies is preparing… Image from public domain licenseAluminum paint production. Women work alongside of men in this Midwest aluminum factory now converted to production of war… Image from public domain licenseYoung fellows in front of pool hall, Jackson, Ohio. Sourced from the Library of Congress. Image from public domain license